Privacy Policy

What Information Do We Collect?

At Bandwidth Simplified, we collect various types of information to provide and improve our services. This includes:

  • Automatically Collected Information: Server and HTTP logs, data transmitted via the Actions on Google API, and usage information.
  • User-Provided Information: Data you provide directly through our services, including your name, email address, phone number, and any other contact details.
  • Persistent Identifiers: Information such as Google IDs, IP addresses, and device information.

How Do We Use the Information?

We use the collected information for the following purposes:

  • Service Provision: To provide and maintain our services, including SMS and other communication services.
  • User Recognition: To recognize you when you use our services again.
  • Communication: To send you promotional emails, updates, and other information relevant to our services.
  • Improvement and Personalization: To enhance and personalize your experience with our services.

What Information Do We Share?

We may share your information under the following circumstances:

  • Third Parties: With third parties as part of the service, such as marketing partners or service providers that assist with our services (e.g., hosting companies, technology platforms).
  • Legal Requirements: When required by law or to protect the rights and safety of our users and third parties.
  • SMS opt-in or phone numbers for the purpose of SMS are not being shared with any third-party affiliates.

By opting in to accept text/SMS messages, you agree to this privacy policy.